Tips For Removing A Tick From Your Skin

Do you remember the last time you thought seriously about protecting the environment? Although it isn't a topic that most people think about on a daily basis, it is important to remember that protecting the environment is crucial if you want to preserve our children's environment. Without a healthy environment, kids are subjected to a wide range of potential problems, including unclean air, issues with dirty water, and potentially dangerous trash. Fortunately, by simply shifting your focus to better energy protocols, you can make a big difference. Check out this blog for more information on protecting the environment in the world around you.

Tips For Removing A Tick From Your Skin

Tips For Removing A Tick From Your Skin

25 August 2017
Environmental, Blog

Ticks are nasty critters that can carry a variety of dangerous diseases. If you find a tick on your body or on the body of a family member there is no need to panic, but you should remove the tick as quickly as possible. Use the following tips to properly remove a tick from your body:

Use Tweezers

The best tool to use to remove a tick is a pair of tweezers with a fine point. It is a good idea to clean the tweezers with rubbing alcohol before you remove the tick. The goal when using tweezers is to grasp the tick's body as close to the surface of your skin as possible.

Apply Steady and Even Pressure

After you have grasped the tick's body with your tweezers, pull upwards with steady and even pressure. Avoid twisting the tick or jerking at it with the tweezers, as these actions can cause the mouth parts of the tick to break off under the skin during removal. In the event that the mouth parts do break off in the skin while you're removing the body of the tick, use your tweezers to carefully pull the mouth parts out of your skin.


Once the tick is completely removed from your skin, you will need to disinfect the area and your hands. You can clean the area where the tick was attached with soap and warm water, rubbing alcohol, or iodine. Make sure that you pay carefully attention when disinfecting and ensure that the area where the tick was attached and your hands are completely clean.

Dispose of the Tick

A live tick removed from your body needs to be disposed of properly. It is never a good idea to crush a tick with your fingers. Instead, place the tick in a sealed container or bag and throw it away, try submersing the tick in rubbing alcohol, or flush the tick down the toilet. 

Avoid Folk Remedies for Removing a Tick

There are a number of folk remedies for removing a tick, such as painting it with nail polish, covering it with petroleum jelly, or applying heat to the body of the tick. It is in your best interest to avoid all of these methods. The thinking behind these folk remedies is that they may cause a tick to detach from the skin. But you want to remove the tick quickly, not wait for it to detach, which is why using tweezers is a better method for tick removal. 

For more information, contact companies like Environmental Services Pest Control.

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Protecting The Environment

Do you remember the last time you thought seriously about protecting the environment? Although it isn't a topic that most people think about on a daily basis, it is important to remember that protecting the environment is crucial if you want to preserve our children's environment. Without a healthy environment, kids are subjected to a wide range of potential problems, including unclean air, issues with dirty water, and potentially dangerous trash. Fortunately, by simply shifting your focus to better energy protocols, you can make a big difference. Check out this blog for more information on protecting the environment in the world around you.
